Nissan LEAF Sales Drop Down In U.S. In April 2019

LEAF Plus sales surge is definitely not underway.

Sales of the Nissan LEAF remain soft in the U.S. and likely will stay that way as the competition heats up.

With just 1,128 LEAFs sold in November and only 1,234 LEAF sold in October, sales of Nissan’s flagship EV had been soft. That came to an end in December when sales shot up to a reasonably solid 1,667 units. Then, Nissan sold just 717 LEAFs in January 2019 and in February 2019, Nissan sold just 654 LEAFs.


Some truly hard times had seemingly set in for the Nissan LEAF in regards to the U.S. However, it seemed like a rebound was occurring. In March, Nissan reported 1,314 LEAF sales in the U.S. But the momentum was lost again in April as Nissan reported only 951 LEAF sales in the U.S.

Though the automaker doesn’t provide breakouts for the normal LEAF and LEAF Plus, we assume some (a tiny number) may be of the latter.

That 951 figure is down slightly from the 1,171 sold in April 2018. In terms of 2019 YTD figures, the LEAF now stands at 3,636.

It seems the LEAF has stalled out in the U.S. with the rise of longer range and comparably priced competition.

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