How To Photograph Million-Dollar Supercars In 5 Easy Steps

Or any other car, really.

“A picture paints a thousand words.” Cliche as it may sound, that line holds true, especially for cars. Whether you’re selling your beloved ride or just letting the world know of your precious vehicle, photographs are the bridge between your potential buyers or any potential enthusiasts that may want to check out your posting.

As such, it’s pretty important that you capture all the details of your car, regardless of its price. From cheap cars to million-dollar ones, the rules are the same: the details of the car should be clear and seen in the photographs.

Thankfully, a professional photographer shared the steps in capturing the perfect car photo. Although it’s a million-dollar Maserati MC12 race car used in the shoot, the process is pretty much the same no matter what the car is. Watch the video below:

The video above is 17 minutes long. If you don’t have the time to finish the video, here are the steps in summary:

The steps above won’t give you a clear view of how you can produce the perfect car photograph, so I suggest that you finish the video above and practice the shots on your own. 

Source: PetaPixel

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