Car tax updates would see a “new approach” to pricing across the road network which will allow both congestion and pollution to be assessed. The changes would see drivers charged based on the distance they have travelled and the time of day and location they made their journeys.
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The level of emissions generated and the impact on the environment will also be taken into account under the new system.
The Campaign for Better Transport proposals would better “reflect the impact” of each journey a driver makes.
The proposals have been issued to the government for reflection but there is nothing to suggest the idea will be given the green light at this stage.
Details of the scheme are mapped out alongside a range of other proposals as part of an assessment on how the government can bounce back after the coronavirus pandemic.
The report says: “Drivers currently pay Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) and fuel duty, which is collected directly by central government.
“However, these do not internalise the full costs of use of the roads and therefore do not provide a link between the use of road space and the cost of use.”
The report adds: “Technology currently available would allow a more sophisticated approach to charging compared to existing approaches.
“A charging mechanism should be based on distance travelled, time of day, location, and level of emissions and impact on the environment of the vehicle. #
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“Such variable, distance-based charging would reflect the impacts of individual journeys more appropriately and, unlike clean air zones or congestion charges, account for both pollution and congestion at the same time.”
The Campaign for Better Transport reveals local authorities in England have had the power in place to implement road charging since 2000,.
They have pushed central government to “simplify” the means for transport authorities to introduce road charging.
Alongside this the campaigners say the government should introduce a national distance based charging scheme which local authorities can join.
The changes would provide new sources of income for local areas which can become “less reliant” on government funding for road schemes.
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The report says: “Alternative sources of income should be developed to put in place long-term and secure revenue streams for local transport authorities.
“[This means] they can be less reliant on central government revenue funding to support their local transport networks.”
Campaigners say as the pace of electric vehicle take up increases, the new scheme will provide a tool to charge all vehicles regardless of their pollution levels.
The government has been searching for ways to change the VED system after consultation proposals were buried into Rishi Sunak’s budget statement in March.
The budget revealed plans to return to a system where car charges directly relate to CO2 outputs instead of a flat-rate system introduced in 2017.
The Campaign for Better Transport says any money raised from the road charge service should be kept by local authorities and pumped back into the local road network.
The report says: “The revenue from journeys on local roads should be retained by the local transport authority to fund road maintenance, modal shift and public transport improvements.
“The management of local roads should be simplified, with powers and funding shifting to Combined Authorities where they exist, alongside the management of any locally raised revenue.”
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