20 bidirectional chargers were already installed and now they are recruiting further participants for the trial to deploy more chargers.
Nissan, in partnership with E.ON, recently deployed 20 vehicle-to-grid (V2G) chargers at its European Technical Centre in Cranfield, UK as part of a new trial project co-funded by Innovate UK.
In this particular project, one of the key points is to demonstrate “a profitable and sustainable solution for business fleets”, which can sign in with its CHAdeMO-compatible EVs (like LEAF or e-NV200), deploy a V2G charger, and get about £308 (€341/$405) per year (an equivalent of electricity for about 10,000 miles*) for sharing the battery capacity during the day.
The recruitment for participants (businesses and organizations) across the UK is underway. Because it’s a trial project, the V2G package will be offered at “a heavily subsidized price”.
E.ON and Nissan V2G project (UK)
Nissan LEAF
Let’s recall that the bidirectional V2G chargers can be used to sell back energy, stored in the EV battery, to the grid when demand for power is high. That might be just a low amount, a few kW for just seconds or minutes, at peak demand.
It will be interesting to see whether the additional revenues will tempt fleets to join the project and prove that there might be a market for such a service. Of course in the commercial version of the project, chargers would have to be affordable without any grants.
The other topic is the connector itself. Currently, the project runs using CHAdeMO, but it will have to be CCS in the future, as Nissan is the only major manufacturer behind the CHAdeMO, but recently it too announced that it is switching to CCS.
Here are additional details about the project:
“E.ON energy customers who enter the V2G trial stand to benefit from savings of up to an equivalent of 10,000 miles per annum, (£308) based upon the following assumptions; 40kWh Nissan Leaf, 168 miles (WLTP test procedure) on a full charge (0.238kWh per mile) and an assumed energy price of 12.93p/kWh.”
“How could your business use V2G technology?
- Plug your Nissan LEAF or Nissan e-NV200 into the V2G charge point at your premises.
- Use the app to set when you need to drive away from site and how full the battery needs to be.
- We charge your vehicles’ batteries when demand and prices are low.
- We export the energy stored in these batteries when demand and cost is high, either into your premises for immediate use or back to the grid.
- Your vehicle will be charged in time, while saving you money.”
Gallery: E.ON and Nissan V2G project (UK)
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