Massive Rollout Gallery from SEMA 2018 #MTSEMA18

At 4:00pm on Friday, all of the amazing builds that filled the Las Vegas Convention Center halls roared to life and made a beeline for the door, trying to get out as soon as they possibly could to load up for the trip home. Despite their best effort to get out efficiently, the aisles were immediately gridlocked as the line ground to a halt just outside the convention hall. Due to construction on the lot normally used to hold the after party called SEMA Ignited, the cars were forced to take a different route towards the rear of the complex and this resulted in a serious traffic jam! While it may have been unpleasant for those driving their fresh, untested builds, it was a great spectacle for all those lined up to watch them roll by.

We were right there to capture photos of lots of the vehicles as the rolled slowly by until it got too dark to take decent photos. So click through this massive gallery of SEMA cars in motion and see which one was your favorite!

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