Renault Hints At New MWh-Scale ESS Projects

Renault is making use of its used EV batteries to build a set of energy storage systems in France and the UK.

Renault is one of the largest European all-electric car manufacturer, know mostly from the ZOE model, but the company is also leveraging its competence in battery energy storage systems.

At the most recent Renault eWays event, the company announced new MWh-scale ESS systems that will be installed using new and old (2nd life) batteries.

In France, at the factory in Douai, Renault installed (in partnership with Nidec) the first Advanced Battery Storage system, rated at 4.7 MWh.

Similar systems will be installed at several other sites, and their total capacity to be 50 MWh.

“Advanced Battery Storage is based on electric car batteries compiled in containers and targets an installed capacity of nearly 50 MWh at several sites in France. The Douai site has a total installed capacity of 4.7 MWh using second life batteries, as well as new batteries stored for future after-sales use.”

Renault ESS: Advanced Battery Storage (ABS) in Douai, France