See Rig Back Into Chevy Tahoe While Apathetic Bystanders Let It Happen

Why didn’t anyone warn the semi driver?

Folks, we need to get a couple of things off our chest here. First off, driving a semi-truck isn’t remotely easy, especially when it comes to maneuvering around crowded city streets and yes, sometimes drivers have no choice but to do so. Second, when you see a driver obviously needing a bit of help, here’s a thought. Get the hell out of your car and help, or at least, use the horn for something other than road rage.

Sadly, our second point goes unfulfilled in this recent ViralHog video. According to the video description, this scene played out on March 9 in Sayville, New York. It’s a modest town of approximately 16,000 so it’s not a tiny villa, but unfortunately, the driver in this rig got stuck making a right turn that was just too tight. The truck ended up blocking the road, and to make matters worse, an ambulance was allegedly trying to get through as well. So yeah, this driver was having a bad day. It happens to all of us.

Enter the people behind the camera. We know nothing of them, save for they seem more interested in recording the moment instead of trying to help. Oftentimes we recommend our readers turn their sound up for epic car noises in videos, but this time you’ll want to turn those speakers down. Otherwise, you’ll be met with shrill screams as the rig’s trailer slowly impacts, then impales a white Chevrolet Tahoe parallel-parked near the corner. Don’t worry about missing important details like car horns honking – we hear nothing of the sort in this clip.

To be fair, there’s a silver Chevrolet Impala in front of the camera that also seems to be doing nothing, and we’ve listened repeatedly for at least a small toot of the horn from somewhere. The rig ultimately tears into the Tahoe’s door and shatters the rear window, but the damage should be repairable. The clip ends with the truck moving forward again, where it apparently bumps into a power pole on the right side. Sadly, throughout the brief saga we see not a single person lift a finger to help this troubled driver. Friends, we can do better. We must do better.

Let this video be an example of what not to do when you encounter a similar situation. A little kindness goes a long way.


ViralHog via YouTube

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