The Mighty Berliet T100 is rolling across France right now on its way to Retromobile

Recoil in horror, puny passenger sedans. Leap for your lives crossover SUVs. And mere pedestrians –- ha! –- you will not even be felt beneath the gargantuan girth of the T100’s 3-foot-wide tires! Right this very moment, as you read this in the comfort of your own continent safely devoid of Berliet T100s, the mighty and powerful 6×6 “steel colossus” is rolling like its own private French earthquake from the tiny hamlet of Savigny-Le-Sac in a four-day wheeled assault to Paris. Destination: Retromobile!


“Wait,” you say, “Retromobile? Isn’t that the quaint-but-massive French car show and swap meet that takes place every year at the Porte de Versailles Exhibition Centre, the same cluster of buildings that hosts the Paris auto show?” Yes, it is. But Retromobile is also where you go to see -– and sometimes buy –- really cool, offbeat, far-out stuff. And there is nothing more cool, offbeat and far out than this massive thing.


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