Beginner Driver | Analyze my dashcam video & provide feedback

I’m pretty sure many newbie BHPians face similar teething trouble

BHPian toroid recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

I’m a beginner driver. I have had many close calls so far during my ~2K kms behind the wheel. However, being the only driver from the family, there’s no one to give me tips or correct me.

I’m pretty sure many newbie BHPians face similar teething trouble. Thus the idea is, let’s use this thread to share the dashcam footage of incidents where we are in doubt and perhaps could do with an experienced advice. Basically getting feedback from the community and make roads safer.

In this video:

0:30 – i10 tries to occupy the 10-15 ft space between me and the car ahead of me. I did not let it enter. Should I have slowed down?

0:55- Creta tries to enter my lane. Should I have preempted it? I did see the turn indicator. Was I supposed to let it change the lane first?

Here’s what BHPian wrongturn had to say on the matter:

You were driving alright IMHO. My version of a similar dashcam footage would have been ‘R’ rated with a lot of ‘beeps’.

Indicators / trafficators don’t give anybody the right of way, the vehicle changing it’s lane must make sure it’s done when the lane is clear and then change the lane, in a safe way. From your dashcam footage, the Grand i10 was trying to force it to avoid the truck in it’s lane and the Creta guy was simply stupid.

Ignore them, you’ll find plenty of such examples on the road. Drive safe and with caution.

Here’s what BHPian Axe77 had to say on the matter:

Firstly, kudos to having an open mind and being receptive to feedback.

0:30: I think the i10 was wrong to try and squeeze in and you were “entitled” to hold your lane. However, I might add that situations like these are where defensive driving hold you in good stead. It only takes one such situation where the wrongful i10 does not give up or misjudged and the close call translates into a scrape.

TL;DR: You had right of way but a little defensive driving approach wouldn’t have hurt.

0:55: I empathise with the Creta here. It’s ok to have to change lanes. He was nearly two car lengths ahead, and it seems like you actively accelerated in order to preserve your ability to move ahead, ahead of the Creta. This is where most Indian motorists lack basic courtesy. It’s ok to let someone pass. I think if more people would do that we would in many situations have more empathetic driving experience. Instead, for most part people have a ME first approach.

TL;DR: I think the Creta should have been allowed to pass. He was far ahead enough.

Merging lanes: Not the same situation as your footage but just citing as an example. In Mumbai very often we have merging lanes due to obstructions ahead, wrongfully stopped / parked vehicles, really bad road and what not, in multi lane bumper to bumper traffic. My general thumb rule in such cases is the car that is partially ahead should be allowed to go and try to slot in, in front of the car behind – or vice versa – patiently allow the car that’s more forward in length to slot in ahead of me in case of merging lanes. Most often, I see cars behind wanting to force their way through and its simply inconsiderate and also is leading to jostling. If more people were to simply accept this approach there would be a more civilised outcome to such situations.

Here’s what BHPian VKumar had to say on the matter:

Whatever you have done, is all fine, it’s just that things could have been better. Years back when I was a newbie, even I too used to drive the same way. But off late, you realize that you actually don’t save anything more than maybe a second or two by getting into such acts of not letting anyone else enter the lane. Three situations are possible:

  • They simply let you pass: The simplest outcome of all!
  • They forcefully enter your lane: That was me, 5 years back. Once the bumper comes in the way of the other driver, just bulldoze. Very high risk of a contact between the vehicles if the driver don’t straighten the wheel on time. High probability of road rage, unwanted races etc, especially if both the cars contain some group of friends.
  • They hit your car: Happens in metros, quite common for mirrors to hit each other and at times cars too, especially if its a full size ladder frame SUV or a bus or truck and your hatchback is running exactly parallel. Reason being, the driver won’t have exact estimate of where your car’s front actually ends. High risk of road rage follows!

My Opinion: You should have let the Creta pass (I would avoid a driver like that from a yardstick distance, don’t understand what he was doing this way on an empty section), it was still distant enough. Even letting the Grand i10 also entering the lane wasn’t a risk and wouldn’t have costed you in terms of time either. Effectively, the risk you took is bigger than the risk of letting it go!

My Suggestion: Learn defensive driving, be calm and let them switch the lanes, it is not worth the headache and the risk of ego clash. You can overtake them 10 seconds later and again start following the same car you were following before, isn’t it?

These days I have become a calm driver, I do drive like a demon on the expressway at times. But in the city, instead of blocking the way of people, I let them pass. It actually saves more time in letting people pass and then calmly move ahead, than blocking them and causing deadlocks in situations. It’s a different situation when I get frustrated when others don’t follow it, but then, it’s India; here people will not let you pass to save their time, but still can spend half an hour arguing with you.

A Recent Experience: I was driving behind a truck on a very narrow road. So, this Scorpio with a political flag and blazing sirens came directly parallel to me in a section where a safe overtake isn’t possible, and some vehicles came from the opposite end. I honked and gave a clear message that he has to wait as the road is too narrow and I am not allowing him to enter the lane.

I had two options:

  • Let things turn bad, and escalate it
  • De-escalate the situation

I went for second one. I rolled down the window and did a hand signal for him to wait. He immediately stopped honking and flashing. As soon as I found a safe section, I waved him to overtake. When he passed me, we had an eye contact, but it was more a friendly contact, instead of changing the angry glances. I didn’t save a single second in either not letting him overtake, nor did I lose the time by letting him go ahead – but I saved myself from a lot of headache, that counts.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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