Traffic signals could get a fourth light for autonomous vehicles

Researchers also stated that the fourth light in a traffic signal doesn’t necessarily have to be white, just a recognisable colour which would be accepted universally.

According to a media report, new simulations suggest that traffic signals could get a fourth light once autonomous vehicles become more prevalent on the roads. Reports suggest that a fourth ‘White’ light could help human drivers better understand road conditions while self-driving cars control the flow of traffic, in turn saving time and fuel.

As per the proposal, while Red and Green lights will continue to mean the same, the White light will tell human drivers to simply follow the car in front of them. This means, whenever the white light is on, the autonomous vehicles would take over the intersection, all the while communicating with each other to determine the exact location and next move. The human drivers at this point would just follow the car in front, while the self-driving cars coordinate the best flow of traffic. However, if there are no autonomous vehicles, the conventional Red, Yellow and Green lights would control the traffic.

Using a small simulation via computer models, researchers found that the use of white light helped speed up traffic between 10 – 30% and delays were reduced by 10.7%. While this would help autonomous vehicles plot the best route, the added complexity could actually prove ‘not enjoyable’ for actual drivers.

Researchers also stated that the fourth light in a traffic signal doesn’t necessarily have to be white, just a recognisable colour which would be accepted universally.

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