Data released by the Bukit Aman Traffic Investigation and Enforcement Department to The Star has revealed that between January and March of 2022, at least two teenagers are killed or seriously injured every single day from driving or riding without a license.
Out of 157 motorcycle accidents and 623 car crashes recorded in the three months involving the underaged, 30 riders under the age of 16 and nine drivers below 18 have died. On top of that, a further 46 riders and 59 drivers were seriously injured. Grim numbers indeed.
Going further back, PDRM recorded a total of 8,484 accidents involving underaged drivers and riders from 2018 until March 2022 – 2,617 of which resulted in serious injuries or fatal accidents.
In the first three months of 2022, 15,424 summons were issued to unlicensed motorcyclists under 16 years old and to owners of the motorcycles, while 8,601 summons were issued to drivers aged below 18. Earlier this year, the road transport department (JPJ) revealed that from January to May 2022, 55,000 vehicle owners had been hauled up for allowing individuals without a driver’s licence to use their vehicles.
Adding to this was Professor Dr Wong Shaw Woon, chairman of the Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS), who urged parents to play a bigger role in educating their kids against underage driving and riding. Wong stressed that one must not only be physically ready to ride or drive, but also be mentally fit to make proper judgments and react swiftly while behind the wheel.
On that note, it was pointed out by the Bukit Aman Sexual, Women and Child Investigations Division principal assistant director Asst Comm Siti Kamsiah Hassan that negligent parents that fail to do so should face some form of punishment. What do you think of this?
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