Cheap Electric Cars You Can Buy Today: Under $10,000

They’re out there if you’re willing to look.

One of the main reasons more people aren’t driving electric cars today is because they initially cost more than their gas or diesel counterparts. However, the gap is closing, and some would argue the Tesla Model 3 has indeed reached cost-parity with its comparable fossil-fuel burning counterparts.

Over time, with a lower operating and refueling expense, EVs can often have less expensive total cost of ownership, but that doesn’t always help the person that can’t afford a big enough down payment to get the loan approved. However, if you really want an EV and can’t afford a new one, there’s always the hope of finding one that will suit your needs and is within your budget in the used car market. And now that EVs have been out for a decade, there’s definitely some really great deals on used EVs.

There’s a lot of great deals on low-mileage used Fiat 500es