Dude Builds Sweet Stealth Camper Van Out Of Chevy Uplander

Optimized for economical city living and hiding in plain sight, this isn’t your ordinary minivan.

Simon Lamberts, known on YouTube by his handle ForestyForest, has built one very clever camper van. You wouldn’t know it by looking at it, though.

The Chevrolet Uplander didn’t last very long in the marketplace, sticking around from 2005 to 2009. Five model years is a blink of an eye, given the lengthy product cycles of most minivans. Even as a curiosity, though, it’s all but invisible in the American automotive landscape, and hardly worth a second look.

For Lamberts, that’s ideal. To paraphrase the intro for his video, this van isn’t about taking Instagram photos on the beach with the hashtag “#vanlife.” It’s all about practicality, blending in in the city and living rent-free wherever he decides to park that day.

In fact, the only hints that might give away that this isn’t an ordinary Uplander are the heavily tinted windows, a small exhaust pipe for the whisper-quiet diesel heater, and the solar panel on the roof. On the inside is where things get really interesting.

The passenger sliding door opens to reveal a convenient place to refuel the diesel generator, while the driver’s side uses the front passenger area as a garage for Lamberts’ bicycle. Behind where the center console once stood is a curtain that allows access to the surprisingly spacious living quarters.

Every inch of usable space is maximized, allowing for a degree of comfort and usability while simultaneously accounting for the small overall footprint. One thing you’ll notice that’s conspicuously absent: no sink, and no bathroom. When camping in the city, these things just aren’t necessary, as Lamberts points out that there is 24 hour access to them just a short walk or bike ride away.

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