Rich Rebuilds Loses Free Supercharging But Will Make A Cyberquad

He discovered which ATV it was based on and started this new conversion project.

Rich Benoit, from the Rich Rebuilds YouTube channel, started a new EV conversion project, but it is not merely about making something powered by a combustion engine go electric. Benoit is curiously following Tesla’s step in creating the Cyberquad, the ATV that went to the Cybertruck bed when the electric pickup truck made its premiere. In the process, apparently, he discovered he no longer had free supercharging. But how are these things related? We’ll get there.

The story starts with Benoit making fun of Elon Musk’s speaking skills and showing how successful the Cybertruck was despite the broken glasses. Check the exact moment below.

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That is when Benoit notices no one spoke anything about the Cyberquad so far. There are no specs, no range, no power… Nothing. But the youtuber is a well-related person and discovered the Cyberquad was based on the Yamaha Raptor 700R.