After nearly 30 years of selling (roughly the same) speed-trap-detecting units beloved by many, Valentine Research just released a completely new Valentine One, called the Gen2. It sounds very promising.
Valentine Research began shipments of the new $499 radar detector Tuesday. The Gen2 uses military-based radar technology for improved detection and is better than ever at sifting through false signals from driver-assistance tech. The new unit also has built-in Bluetooth abilities to connect to your phone.
“It’s a complete departure in everything but the form, function, and looks—new everything,” Valentine Research President Mike Valentine said on a phone call with Road & Track. “It has, seriously, all-new clean sheeted internal circuitry… never-attempted-in-the-commercial-space type technology.”
There’s a new built-in feature called “K-Verifier,” which is specifically designed to fight the unnecessary K-band alerts that V1s pick up from advanced cruise control systems and the like.
Trust us, those useless beeps get very annoying.
“The K-band is grotesquely polluted with lane-change and crash-prevention radar. It’s unbelievable,” Valentine said. The Gen2 “has the best rejection of lane change radar in the industry.”
Many of us with a heavy right foot have preached the Good Word of the Valentine One radar detector for years. My personal detector, which is at least a decade old and hasn’t been updated since, has saved me countless times, and will undoubtedly continue to do so.
Though we don’t condone speeding here at R&T, we called the previous V1 one of the “most useful trinkets” you can have in your car, and “the best at finding police speed radar signals.”
There’s no doubt this new unit will continue that legacy.
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