Tesla Model 3 Was #1 Selling Car In Netherlands In March 2019

Tesla Model 3 shines in the Netherlands

According to official stats, in March, the Tesla Model 3 was the best-selling car of any kind in the Netherlands with 2,195 new registrations (5.6% of all sales).

We failed to spot a single model that would be above 1,000 registrations, and we believe that the second-best plug-in model is below 500 (full sales report from the Netherlands is expected later this month).

The results are amazing from all ways, but we must remember that Tesla had a high number of orders early and it’s too early to judge the demand from the initial outcome.

In total, Tesla registrations stand at 2,209 in March (including 8 Model S and 6 Model X) and 2,761 YTD.

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