Coded AC configuration through infotainment system on my Skoda Slavia

What the bonus is that the AC operating mode can also be changed now. Soft means the blower operates slower and aggressive vice versa in auto mode.

BHPian audioholic recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Shot out of the park with more VCDS mods.

Now I can configure AC through infotainment, far easier than reaching out to those touch controls:

What the bonus is that the AC operating mode can also be changed now. Soft means the blower operates slower and aggressive vice versa in auto mode. This is a cherry on top of the AC mod I had done earlier and now I can just switch to soft mode when it isn’t sunny and I am alone in the car. Thanks to one reader of this page who contacted me and shared that this is possible to be done and I immediately started exploring the adaptations.

Replaced wiper blades with Valeo frame less blades to give a sleek look:

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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