Here’s Audi’s Super Bowl Ad (That Includes Teasers for Two New e-trons)

Well, the Super Bowl is coming up, and while we all wait to see if Maroon 5 decides to play Sweet Victory, we can at least tide ourselves over with the extremely expensive ads that automakers are putting out.

Audi has just released its ad before the big game, which you can watch here.

The ad has a pretty solid comic twist, which is frankly a relief. While we here at Fourtitude are fans of the e-tron, the overwrought cowboy ads were a bit on the nose for our taste. It’s nice to see Audi getting the tone right (joy at what’s coming, not snootiness about the past that didn’t want it).

And to top it all off, the ad finishes with a teaser. The e-tron Quattro in the back of shot is flanked on either side by covered cars that we can only presume are future e-trons.

The vehicle to the left appears to be the smaller crossover that was recently reported on. Supposedly based on VW’s MEB platform, the car will be Audi’s entry-level electric offering.

The car on the right of shot, though, is a bit of a mystery. Although it appears to be a sedan (or at least not a crossover) there have been so many conflicting reports that it’s hard to know exactly what it is. The aggro headlights and the somewhat hawkish countenance certainly give it the look of a powerful car, though.

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