Reader’s Car of the Week: Citroen Saxo VTR

Having come within a few rust flakes of death, this Saxo is being returned to its former glory

Remember when the Citroen Saxo VTR was a common sight on UK roads? You’d see 10 a day no problem. Now though you’d be lucky to see that many in a fortnight as more and more fall victim to age and MOT tests. Proof? Just 2,000 VTRs survive in Britain today; 9,000 fewer than five years ago (according to HowManyLeft).

Consequently, some people still see value in the humble Saxo. Take PHer Kitchski, for example. Technically, his VTR – a very early Mk2 – is his other half’s car, and has been since 2004. But true to the PH form, he’s had a heavy involvement in its life and maintenance. Which helps to explain why it survives to this day, despite having very nearly turned into a pile of French rust.

Needless to say, this is a perfect example of how sentimental value can save a car. Kitchski’s done a fine job of documenting the car’s life since meeting it (and his other half) in 2005. It’s a fascinating read, not least because of the amount of work that’s gone into returning it in such good condition. Hats off, sir.

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