Daniel Ricciardo slapped with grid drop after Daniil Kvyat crash

Daniel Ricciardo has been hit with a three-place grid penalty for the Spanish Grand Prix after causing a collision with Daniil Kvyat in Baku.

Ricciardo and Kvyat were tussling for position on track when the Aussie locked up trying to pierce through a gap at Turn 3.

He couldn’t make it stick and headed on down the escape road. As Ricciardo had the inside line, Kvyat was left with no choice but to follow him down there.

As the two cars tried to get back on track, an unaware Ricciardo reversed into Kvyat and caused enough damage to both cars to ensure that they would retire early from the Azerbaijan Grand Prix.

Ricciardo and Kvyat were both called to the stewards, who deemed Ricciardo guilty of causing a collision and has been given a grid penalty for the next race as a result.

Objects in the rear view mirror may be closer than they appear ?

A race-ending reversal for Ricciardo and Kvyat #F1 ?? #AzerbaijanGP pic.twitter.com/E7AFcDpxzJ

— Formula 1 (@F1) April 28, 2019

“I obviously don’t feel good about what happened,” Ricciardo told Sky Sports.

“At the time it was looking quite good for us. We were starting to pick up the pace and obviously closing in on Daniil.

“I saw a gap and thought I would have a go. It is always tight into Turn 3, and initially I thought I had the commitment and would pull it off. Then I felt it was starting to lock and I missed the corner.

“At that point as soon as I went down the escape road, it was just I guess a sense of urgency and a bit of panic if you will – and try to minimise damage and lose as little time as possible.

“I found reverse and started going and to be honest I had no idea he was there. I guess the urgency stopped me from looking.”

Ricciardo has also had two penalty points added to his licence.

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