Drivers face four major issues as new 20mph speed limit rules introduced today

Mike Parry fumes over speed limits on GB News

British drivers could be affected by major speed limit changes introduced today with four concerns already raised.

The new driving laws have seen the rollout of 20mph zones on any restricted road in Wales.

These are usually located in residential areas and often have no street lights on them making the routes a risk.

The new policy is intended to reduce the number of collisions and encourage more people to walk and cycle.

However, there is already a series of concerns about the project which could be a blow to motorists.

READ MORE Drivers at risk of ‘increased penalties’ ahead of new driving law changes

Drivers are still unaware of the new rule

The Welsh Government has sent a leaflet explaining the changes to every home and business in the country. However, there are still likely to be some road users who are completely unaware of the new rules.

This could be compounded by concerns that sat nav devices may not be fully updated in time for the change.

The RAC’s head of policy Simon Williams said: “It’s vitally important that drivers are fully aware of the arrival of the 20mph limit in Wales, and pay full attention to all road signage.

“And, until sat nav systems have been fully updated, they shouldn’t rely on them to know what the speed limit is on any particular stretch of Welsh road.”

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Not all areas have road signs

Some areas have not completed the installation of key road signs to complement the new 20mph rules. Deputy transport minister, Lee Waters, claimed many areas were leaving it right up until the deadline to get ready.

He commented: “We know that some councils will have all their signs up on Sunday, and others have decided to take a different approach in sequencing the change”.

Not all cameras are ready

GoSafe has revealed that not every speed camera in Wales is ready for the switch to 20mph limits. This means drivers may well get away with driving over 20mph in some areas where cameras have yet to be configured.

However, there is no way of checking which have not been altered meaning road users should stay under 20mph to avoid being caught out. GoSafe stressed they would take action against any offenders travelling 10 percent above the speed limit plus 2mph.

Speed limits may change

Around three percent of roads in Wales will not be changing to the new 20mph restrictions.

This is because local authorities can apply for exemptions to put their limits back to 30mph if they wish.

However, the councils need to prove cyclists and pedestrians are safe to drive. They must also show that “strong evidence exists that higher speeds are safe”.

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